Wednesday, January 5, 2011

WOD - 20110106

1RM Box Jump

Take 15 minutes to find your max box jump.

Followed by -

AMRAP in 6 minutes

5 L Pull Ups
10 Hands Up Push Ups
15 Overhead Squats (20kg/15kg)

W2S - 10 sets of 2 Box Squats at 50% 1RM with 45 seconds rest in between sets

W2E - AMRAP in 5 mins of Double Unders

Meet at CFMHQ warmed up and ready to jump at 0600.

Post box jump height and reps/rounds to comments


  1. 30.5"
    3 rnds (blue band pullups)

  2. I don't remember my box jump height. It was the 20" box+red+green bumper plates.
    MetCon: 3Rds and 7 OHS (blue deadhang, 15kg)
    W2E: Dbl Unders 5min= 103
    I sucked at the box jump and need to work on getting over my mental block!!

  3. 32"
    4 rounds + 5 (L pullups w/ green band)

    W2S: 65#
    W2E: 55 + a lot of singles...not too bad for a double under retard :)

  4. ME Box Jump: 49.5"

    WOD: 5 rounds + 1 Pull Up

    Strength WOD: 10 sets x 2 reps @ 155 lbs

    ...please no more squats...

    Chief, I want to add 2 x Abmats to the equipment order. Also, Vicky and I vote "Yes" for wood (for the rings)! Our order should look like this:

    Rings: 2 sets ("Yes" for Wood!)
    Med Balls: 20 lb x 1, & 14 lb x 1
    Abmats: 2 sets
    Kettlebells: 32kg x1, 24kg x1, 20kg x1, 16kg x1

    Plyoboxes: (We're building these, right?)
    24"x1, 20"x1, 10"x2, & a 4" extender

  6. 48"
    6 rounds not using a bar cuase I'm broken or something.

  7. Oh yeah, I forgot about the order. I'd like:
    1 Kettlebell - 24kg (that's 1.5 pood right?)
    1 Medacine ball - 20 lbs
    1 Abmat
    And I got wood for my vote.

  8. I think my box jumnp was 30.5 can't remeber exactly.
    4 rounds + 5 pullups and 2 pushups

  9. Heather, I think it was 32".

    Toby, here's my whole order:
    1) 14 lb wallball
    2) wood rings
    3) 16 and 20 kg kettlebells
    4) 1 abmat

  10. I dont care either way! wood sounds good to me.

    Isiah order:
    1) wood rings
    2) 20 lb med ball
    3) abmat
    40 24kg kettlebell

  11. 30 inches (didn't try anything higher)
    4 rounds
    W2S - 85 lbs
    W2E - 250

  12. Rogue S-2/Squat Press Stand x 1
    (if not ordering from Rogue please let me know)

    Bumper Plates
    5KG HI-TEMP PAIR x 1
    10KG HI-TEMP PAIR x 1
    15KG HI-TEMP PAIR x 1
    20KG HI-TEMP PAIR x 1

    20kg KB x 1
    24kg KB x 1

    abmat x 1

    20in Plyobox x 1
    4 inch extender x 1

    Can I still get a bar from you? If not I'll need one of those too.
    -York Strength Training Bars-
    7' Hard Chrome North American Bar 1000 lb Test - 30 mm

  13. Order:
    Bravo bar and bumper set**depending on shipping** (I know there are other sets that include kettlebell, dynamax ball, rings, but the options for them are limited (ex. Kettlebell no option for 35lbs) unless someone is willing to change with me.
    wall ball 14lb
    Kettlebell 35lb
    rings wood
    Plyo (12",20",24")

  14. Thanks Robin :) I'm glad I have someone to do the math for me :)...32" box jumps!

  15. Nothing to jump on :-(

    2+7 (jumping pull ups, 45lb OHS)

    W2S 65lbs
