Thursday, November 25, 2010

WOD - 20101126 (Update)

5 rounds for time of:
400 meter run
95 pound Overhead squat, 15 reps

WOD starts at "the hangar" at 1030.  If you don't know where it is, be in the North Side parking lot at 1000 and we'll drive over together.  We'll warm up and start the WOD at 1030.

There's no heat in the building, so dress for success.

Post times to comments


  1. As long as it is not in the middle of the day it is good with us. But if that is the only time people want we will go.

  2. Kate is out of town but I have her truck keys if we want to use it to move stuff from the HAWC.

  3. I am able to go any time after 1000. I have a 2500 Dodge Ram that I am going to be able to use tomorow to move stuff over. I will check the message board regularly tomorow to see any updates on time. I also still have Blair's...

  4. I'll be around, it's my day-off for a change so I'll be able to WOD it up with you all after the move.

  5. No day off here...I can only workout after 4 :)
    I can't believe we have a space!

  6. 1000 sounds good, but I don't have a firm time in mind.

  7. 1000 at the north side gym parking lot and drive to the hangar. Warm up and start the WOD by 1030. See ya there!

  8. If we can't make the group workout time will we still be able to use the equipment at a different time on our own?

    PS - It totally sucks being at work all day & not being able to workout w/ y'all

  9. 15:18 (girls bar...I think 35 lbs?)

  10. I did this WOD two weeks ago to the day and today I PR'd it again.

    17 mins 43 secs | Rx'd
    PR'd by (4 mins 17 secs)

  11. Sorry, Kim ... Hang in there, we'll get you back with the group somehow.

  12. I mentioned that a 4:00 pm workout would work tomorrow. I was thinking tomorrow was Sunday. It still may work, but if everyone wants to stick with the 10:00 am Saturday workout, that works for me.

  13. Rounds 1-3/95lbs, 4&5/65lbs = 26:39

    Wasn't 100% sure if girls were scaled on this one, so I thought I'd get the rx'd a try)

    1000am tomorrow is best for me too :)

  14. I'm the same with Robin...whatever works for us but I was thinking tomorrow was Sunday also...

  15. Just checked the last time we did this (Aug 31st) and mine's a PR by a full 1:01!

  16. 17:03 Little bar...don't know how much??
