Wednesday, June 30, 2010

WOD - 20100701

So long, Fitz, we'll miss you!  Have fun in F-L-A

Ground to Overhead with a Squat

With a continuous running clock, perform one ground to overhead with a squat each minute adding one rep per round per minute.  Start with one in the first minute, then two in the second minute, then three in the third and so on.

You must take the weight from the ground and end with it overhead with arms locked out and behind your ears.  You must hit the squat position (hips below knees) after you lift the weight from the ground and before you lift it overhead.  This can be a squat clean, a power clean with a front squat or a thruster and you can lift it overhead with a press, a push press, a push jerk, a split jerk or a thruster.

Prescribed weights are 135lbs for men and 95lbs for women.

Followed by -

AMRAP in 11 minutes of
10 knees to elbows
15 push ups

I'll be at the hardstand gym at 0600 and 1700.

Post number of rounds for both to comments.


  1. ground to over head failed during minute 6......

    5 rounds plus 8 for AMRAP

    pretty sure i'm still feeling yesterday's WOD

  2. To whoever got us through the bluecoat on the Mildy server - You Rock! Free burpees on me next time i see you :-)

  3. Managed 7 ground-to-overhead..thanks Chief for giving me that last one!

    6 rounds

    ***Good Luck Fitz on your next adventure! It was great working out with you!

  4. I passed on the overhead squat and scaled to the ground for k2e to give my shoulders another day off. I know, weak.


  5. GTO @ 135lbs, failed to finish round 6. Completed 5 rounds+2 before time expired. Also finished my last four reps after time had expired.

    6 rounds plus 21 for the AMRAP.

    Wanted to send out another thanks to whoever got the block lifted on the Crossfit Mildenhall site.

    Great job on today WOD everyone!!!

  6. Scaled down to 115, got 5 rounds + 2. On the amrap i got 6 even.

  7. Chief's Scoreboard -

    6 full rounds of GTO
    8 rounds of AMRAP (As Rx'd)

    8 athletes at the morning workout and 9 at the afternoon...great job from everyone!!

  8. GTO failed during minute 7

    5 rounds of AMRAP
