Tuesday, June 14, 2011

WOD - 20110615

Ladies and Gentlemen - The Grumpadillo

1RM Jerk

Find your best jerk...it can be behind the neck or in front and push jerk or split.

Followed by -

For Time -

100 Back Extensions

100 GHD Sit Ups

Split up any way you like.

Post weights and times to comments.  Meet at CFMHQ at 0600. 


  1. Best jerk? Really? I divorced him and left him in Tennessee. Now you're telling me that I have to find another one! Sheesh!
    See you at 0600 Grumpadillo. haha

  2. 33x10, 53x5, 73x3, 93x1, 113x1, 133--miserable fail

    GHDs/Extensions: 9:35

    Thanks for the help today Chief! This could possibly be the first time I've ever actually done a jerk.

  3. 108 lbs
    Thanks helping me get over my psychological stump Cheif.

  4. 75x6, 95x6, 115x4, 135x3, 155x2, 175 (Failx3 due to balance issues)

    GHD/Extensions done, didnt time

  5. GHD sit ups
    GHD back extensions 10:00

  6. 6:43

    Good wodn with y'all again! I miss the pm crew :)

  7. 33x5, 53x5, 63x2, 73x3, 83x1
    15:58 (couldn't go all the way down on GHD situps, so last 30 were on ground)
