Tuesday, May 11, 2010

WOD - 20100512

Double Unders
Perform three separate two minute rounds with three minutes rest in between efforts. Score is highest number of double unders achieved in worst two minute effort.

Followed by

AMRAP in 9 minutes
10 Kettlebell Snatches (5 each arm)
10 Push Ups (Chest to Floor)

Men - 24kg
Women - 16kg

Post DU score and AMRAP rounds/reps to comments


  1. Chief's scoreboard =
    104 Double Unders
    7 rounds + 4 Snatches

  2. Wow, Dub's were a killer, 67 was my worst.
    As for the AMRAP, 6 rounds +2 Snatches.

    Chief, I'd like to send you a few pictures of all of the Mildenhall crew that went too Sweden for the European Regional in hopes that you'd post them on here. If I could get your e-mail that would be great.

  3. 60 Dubs
    8 rounds-scaled back to 12kg. Still learning the proper form! Thanks for a great workout! Looking forward to more!

  4. 125 DUs
    6 rounds - 12kg

  5. 51 DUs
    7 rounds - 24kg

  6. toby@goepp.com if anyone needs anything

  7. 55 Dubs

    8 +5 rounds scaled to 12kg. Great workout, mt forearms are bruised from the kb's!!

  8. Awesome Job today everyone!!!
