Thursday, May 13, 2010

WOD - 20100514

Overhead Squats

Perform the first set of 8 reps at 55% of your 1RM, the second set of 8 reps at 62.5%, and your final set of 8 reps at 70%. The fourth and fifth set can be the same weight, more weight, or less weight (ulitmately the goal is bodyweight for 15 reps).

Followed by -

400m Sprints
Perform five 400m sprints resting as needed between attempts.

Post total weight of all lifts and total time of all five sprints to comments

Thanks to everyone who's taking a chance on this! Keep spreading the word and if there's something you'd like to see in a WOD, lemme know.

If anyone thinks they can get some KB's to the track on Sunday, we can all meet up and do "Helen"...classic "girl" workout, great benchmark, and great opportunity to all say hey to each other. Who's in?


  1. i'll be at the northside gym at 0600 for OHS, then over to the track for sprints

  2. Fitz and I have a couple KBs, we are down for Sunday...see you tomorrow!

  3. OH Sure! I leave and everything begins to happen... & I'm left out of the pics. Gee thanks!

    BTW... I know you twerps miss me. Burpees for everyone at my grand opening! :D


  4. What time on Sunday? Team Arnett may be there!

  5. Depending on the time, I am game for Sunday! Also, if some of you continue to meet @ NS early like today let me know...I may come hang with you if that's ok?...:)

  6. Sunday would work for me if it were to be in the AM. Looking forward to it :) and looking forward to this WOD too.

  7. I've got a kb would love to get a WOD in with you guys, like the good old days :) I also have some of the bands for pull-ups if needed. Could you post the time when y'all figure it out? thanks!

  8. How does 0900 Sunday work? We'll need a 24kg and 16kg bell for sure, the more the merrier.

  9. Chief's Scoreboard -
    4920lbs total
    6:25 min

  10. 7:13 min
    1400 lbs total

  11. 3840 total poundage
    7:04 min

  12. Nice work today everyone. Love seeing the comments and the new followers of the Mildenhall Function Fitness. I'm going to try and make sunday but I'm work so it might be hard to get away from work or the bazaar which is our alternate work location. Thanks for posting the picture Chief. i love my CrossFit family and it seems as if it might be growing. Have a great weekend everyone and hit those WOD's hard!!!
