Friday, August 13, 2010

WOD - 20100814


Warm up and then find your 1RM Deadlift

Followed by

One Up-Hands Up-Push Ups

Perform one up push ups every 30 seconds until failure...push up standard will be to lift both hands off the ground between every rep (ala The Games).  So it's 1 push up in the first 30 seconds, 2 push ups in the next 30 seconds, 3 push ups, and so on til you can't complete the required number of reps in 30 seconds.

i'll be at the Northside Gym at 0900.

Post Deadlift weight and Push Up rounds to comments.

Tony, any chance we can get bars from the HAWC for Sunday?


  1. toby,

    what time do you want the bars for sunday? i can probably make that happen. I'm also missing the Rogue rings from the HAWC. We had them out last night at the 1700 class but they weren't there this morning.


  2. Oops! I grabbed the wrong pair, sorry! We have 2 pairs & I thought they were both black, but I guess one was red & one was black. So any chance someone has my red strapped rings?

    Ill bring them to you today Tony.

  3. Kim,

    Your rings are in the HAWC. I didn't know who they belonged to. I will bring them tomorrow when in bring some bars in for the WOD.



  4. OK sounds good! I gave your rings to Towberman today. So sorry about the mix up =) See you tomorrow.

    160 lbs/ 11 rounds

  5. 195 DL (PR) and 9 rounds+3 reps

  6. 405#...ran out of weights at my house
    7 rounds...handstand PU
