Saturday, August 21, 2010

WOD - 20100822

Live every WOD like it's Shark Week!

135 pound Clean and Jerk, 30 reps

Scale as needed...this workout should be done in under 6 minutes.

Followed by -

100 Burpees for time

Post times for both WODs to comments.


  1. Grace 5:09
    (15 reps @ 55lbs, 15 reps @ 45lbs)

    Burpees 10:28

  2. Hey Robin ~ I'll be at the Northside gym @ 5pm if you want to workout together.

  3. Kim, Sorry I mised it. We were at a party and didn't get home in time. Hope your workout went well! I'm going to try to do it tomorrow morning. It's not going to happen tonight.

  4. Grace ~ 3:08

    Burpees ~ 6:01
    (Tony, these went much better than the Filthy Burpees -- good method)
