Monday, January 2, 2012


Push Press



We will work on handstands pushups for 20 min. If you cannot do a handstand pushup then you will work on handstand holds for as long as possible (with strong active shoulders). If you cannot do that then we will have you work on your pushups. We are looking to improve our skills, so progression is key.

We will meet up at 0545 (thats right 0545!!) and 1700.

Post weight to comments and HS/HSH/PU progression to comments.


  1. 33-53-63-73-83-93(failx3)
    Working on HSPU via feet on box.

  2. 33-53-63-73-83-93
    transition HSPU going as low as I could and still being able to get up. I like doing handstands! They are FUN! :)

    All you crossfit coaches are da bomb! ALL OF YOUS! thanks for what you do for us!

  3. 33-53-63-73-83-93
    Handstand against the wall for 30 seconds x 5.

  4. 33-53-63-73-83-93(fail)-83

    Handstand against the wall for 30seconds x4 (sat one out after wipeout...right arm gave out :/), also took a few tries to get up on a couple so probably more like 20 sec...def room for major improvement!!!

  5. 33-53-63-73-93-98

    Handstands transitions, hold for 30 sec X 5, and trying to go down a few inches.

  6. And I forgot to say that I did'nt make any 30 sec holds... More like 20 sec each.

  7. I think I over stated my last two lifts if your last one was 98 Heather (and I forget if I took weights off after Stacey?), my last two must have been 73-83(fail)-73. I gotta start bringing my notebook!!
