Sunday, September 26, 2010

WOD - 20100927

Ring Dips

One up, each minute on the minute until failure.  That's one ring dip in the first minute, two in the second minute and so on.

Followed by -

500m Row

Three rounds, rest as needed between efforts

i'll be at the Hardstand at 0600 and 1700.  Please bring rings if you have them.  Sub for ring dips is ring push ups or regular push ups.  Post rounds of ring dips and row times to comments


  1. hands-up pushups: 13 rounds
    Rowing- Rnd. 1- 2:06, Rnd. 2- 2:04, Rn. 3- 2:06

  2. Faith, I just looked at my schedule this week, and I'm not going to be able to make it to the gym tomorrow or Wednesday morning but will be able to go both evenings on those days. Enjoy your workouts, and I'll see you Friday! (We need to exchange e-mails and Facebook info.)

  3. Modified dips - one up bench dips every 30 sec = 15 rounds

    500m row - 2:15, 2:09, 2:11

  4. 14 rounds hands up push ups

    2:24, 2:19, 2:14

  5. 14 minutes + 11 ring dips

    500m Row:
    1 - 1:46
    2 - 1:39
    3 - 1:36
