Tuesday, January 3, 2012


We will start the day out by getting our shoulders ready for the day with an MWOD.


Tomorrow we are working on our pull-ups. If you have strict pull-ups we want you to work on getting better at these with multiple sets or by adding weight. If you have a kipping pull-up we want to get you to progress until you can do strict pull-ups. If you have do not have strict pull-ups or kipping pull-ups...tomorrow we are going to work on getting more of you off of those bands!!!! Those bands are holding so many of you back...we need to get you off of them!!

We will meet up at 0545 and 1700.

Post progress to comments.


  1. Strict pull-ups were wicked hard! Was trying some with the green band, could barely get up with the blue band. Could do 6 with assistance from Nick, thanks. But on 2-3 on my own.
    In other words, kudos to Tre for moving to the bar! Great job Tre!

  2. We did a sweet MWOD and then I practiced "negatives", about 15 of them.
