Saturday, September 11, 2010

WOD - 20100912

Deathmatch 2010!
Death by ten meters
followed by
Death by burpees

With a continuously running clock, run one up ten meter sprints every minute on the minute until you tap out or cannot complete the required number of sprints.  We'll do this "shuttle run" style with cones placed 10m apart and tapping the ground at each line.  After that, rest five minutes and begin doing one up burpees until you tap out or cannot complete the required number of burpees.

I'll be at the track at 1600...if it's raining, i'll be at the Northside gym and we can do this on the basketball court...much better in the grass so i hope the weather holds up.

See you there!  Post number of rounds for each 'death' to comments.


  1. Death by 10m - 9
    Death by burpees - 10

  2. "Deathmatch" was pretty accurate.

    10m - 15+15.5 :-P
    Burpees - 14

    Thanks for the encouragement. It's amazing how far that actually motivates!

  3. 10m 14+10
    burpees i think it was 12+9
