Tuesday, June 8, 2010

WOD - 20100609

Five Rounds for time -

5 Power Snatches (95lbs/45lbs)
10 Overhead walking lunges with the same bar
15 Burpees

20 minute cut off...if you have to scale, scale to a weight that you can maintain for the snatches and lunges...object is to use the same bar.

I'll be at the hardstand gym at 0530 and 1700 for anyone that wants a coach.

Post time to comments.

This white tiger swimming underwater has nothing to do with CrossFit...i just think he's a badass.

3, 2, 1, Go!


  1. Since arriving at Little Rock AFB in May I have successfully recruited 4 new CrossFit followers (CrossFit is unheard of here); I have successfuly created my Garage Gym (bumpers arrived yesterday, still waiting for my Rogue PU bar); and will begin coaching two new CrossFit girls on MWFs beginning next week!

    WoD it up CF Mildenhall...

    Keep up the great blog site, Chief!

  2. 16:26 I HATE BURPEES!

    Have a great rest day tomorrow!

  3. 14:34...you can always do one more burpee. ;-)

  4. 10:30 I love burpees!!!!!!! great workout, thanks Chief!!!

  5. 17:41...love burpees...not really

  6. Well, I was almost the grand loser but 19:01 was the time and I loathe burpees!!!

    Thanks Toby for giving me another one that has nothing to do with my wheel house.

    I do think you gave the girls a little bit too much of a break. The "chick" weight for Fran is 65# and we had the same weight for this workout as for Fran. Just saying! :o)

  7. Chief's Scoreboard -
    14:00 flat...i'll admit that i slowed down a bit at the end because all i wanted to do was beat Justice :-)

    Meagan was awesome to watch! Great job to the 0530 and 1700 classes, it's so awesome to be a part of this...thanks to everyone

  8. Awesome job Maegan! I wish I was there to watch you kick a$$!

    Chief, all the thanks should go to you for your hard work in getting this going for Mildenhall!

    Great job everyone!

  9. This WOD beat me up quite nicely. Thanks Chief for all the hard work.
    -14:19 Burpee's were good! Bring on the suck!
