We won't be meeting tomorrow, but we will see everyone next year...on Monday. Go out and enjoy a sport of your choice for an hour. Have some quality time with the kids and family. Have a great weekend.
“12 Days of Christmas”
1 Burpee
2 Double Under Jump rope (DU’s)
3 Knees to elbows (KTE)
4 Thrusters
5 Rings Dips
6 Pull-ups
7 Sit-ups
8 Squats
9 Wall Balls
10 Push-ups
11 Jumping Lunges (each leg, so you end up doing 22)
12 Kettlebell Swings
Performed like the song, you start with 1 Burpee, then you do 2 DU’s and 1 Burpee, then 3 KTE and 2 DU and 1 Burpee, and so on.
We will meet up 1000.
Remember to dress in your best Christmas clothes!!!
5 rounds for time
40 Double Unders
30m Bear Crawl
20 Situps
10 Overhead plate walking lunge steps, 45# (25#)
We will meet up at 1000.
Post time to comments.
AMRAP in 20 min
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Squats
We will meet up at 0600 and 1700.
Post rounds to comments.
"Tha Hosh"
Buy in: Overhead Barbell Carry 50m (in the hanger if available) perform as a down and back without dropping (you can set the distance), if the bar is dropped 5 burpee penalty, then continue on...
Then complete AMRAP in the remain 20 mins of
5 deadlift (135, 95lbs scale as needed)
5 hang power clean
5 front squat
5 push jerk
5 back squat
once the 20mins is complete...
Overhead Barbell Carry down and back 50m, no penalty for drops, you just have to pick the bar back up. Add this to the 20 mins for your final time.
Score is total time and rounds completed.
We will meet up at 0600 and 1700.
Run: 6:00 of 100m sprints on 0:30, rest 3:00, 4:00 of 100m sprints on 0:30, rest 2:00, 2:00 of 100m sprints on 0:30
This workout consists of 3 sets: 6:00, 4:00 and 2:00. Using running as an example, the athlete will perform 100m sprints every 0:30 for 6:00, rest 3:00, and then continue on with sets of 4:00 and 2:00. If the athlete finishes 100m in 20s then the athlete will have 10s of rest.
We will not meet tomorrow...can't wait to see everyone Wednesday.
100 Double unders
30 K2E to pull-ups
30 Hang snatch 35/25kg
100 Double unders
We will meet up tomorrow at 0600 and 1700.
Post time to comments.
BUY IN: Output 1200/800kg of power clean. (Select your own weight).
Then complete…
5 rounds of:
5 Shoulder-to-overhead 60/40kg
7 Front squats 60/40kg
9 Toes-to-bar
CASH OUT: Output 1200/800kg of power clean.
Example for power output on cleans:
12 x 100kg power clean = 1200kg
We will be meeting up at 0600 and 1700.
Post time to comments.
Cover max distance possible
Row 8x[20:10]
Post distance to comments.
We won't be meeting tomorrow but have your game face on for Wednesday.