Thursday, October 28, 2010

WOD - 20101029


Five sets of three reps of deadlift at at least 90% of your 1RM.  Drop and regrip after every rep with minimal pause betwen the three reps but plenty of rest (3-5 minutes) between the sets.

Followed by -

15 minutes of double under practice.

Post weights and most consecutive double unders to comments


  1. 153 lbs DL
    29 DU (only practiced for a few minutes)

  2. I think 132 lbs...since I'm in Africa (and I don't speak French) I may be a little off.

    I used a piece of rope to attempt DU but I was unsuccessful and ended up jumping rope (single) for 15 minutes. For whatever reason I couldn't get a DU at all.
