Tuesday, November 2, 2010

WOD - 20101103

Got to spend the day with G on his birthday!

Max Effort Overhead Squat

Go overhead with as much weight as possible!  Once you find your 1RM for the day, make sure to knock out at least four sets of one at at least 90% of that 1RM.

Followed by -

AMRAP in 6 minutes
10 Knees to Elbows
10 Box Jumps

Holiday is over, i'll be back in the gym on Thursday!

Post weights and rounds/reps to comments


  1. Not OHS for this guy today. working a different strength program at the moment.

    AMRAP was 7+5

  2. Overhead squats- 60kilos
    AMRAP- 5 or 6 rounds, not 100% sure
    BBall 0-1

  3. 3 reps @ 179lbs
    Amrap - 5-6 rds...lost count
    Also 0-1 in BBall to Paul and Tim (close game though)
