Tuesday, November 23, 2010

WOD - 20101124

Now that's more like it :-)
 1RM Hang Power Clean

Warm Up with three rounds of Burgener Warm Up and then find your 1RM power clean from the hang. 

Followed by -

AMRAP in 6 minutes

5 One-Arm KB Snatch, Right
5 One-Arm KB Snatch, Left
10 Wall Balls

Men Rx is 32kg kettlebell and 20lb ball
Women is 20kg kettlebell and 14lb ball

Meet at the Hardstand at 0600

Post weight and round/reps to comments


  1. Hang Power Clean - 235 lbs

    WOD - 4 rounds + 9 snatches
    The 32kg kettlebell was murderous!!! I failed on several snatches on round four. Thanks Tim, for letting me have the big boy weights -- Chris would have never let me live that down...

  2. Hang Clean - 240lbs
    AMRAP as rx'd - 5 rounds

  3. 87 lbs
    5+10 (12 kg KB, 14 lb Ball)

  4. If anyone feels like going to the Hardstand tonight to move stuff into the HAWC as a staging area, i think i may go over about 1800 or so.

  5. 105 lbs
    5 + 2 (16kg KB/14#WB)

  6. Hey Chief,
    We'd like to be there, but we're headed to Ely at 1800. I made sure the gym storage room was unlocked in preparation though.

  7. Hang Clean 135lbs
    16lbs 1 arm swing, 14lb wallball. 5 1/2 rounds

  8. Ohh and FIRST muscle up today!!! YAY

  9. 5x3 @ 175 Hang Cleans

    AMRAP: 4rds+5reps

    I will help move anything tomorow, Fri, or Sat. I read the message board to late today. First Yoga class at RAFL...Nameste!!

  10. What's all this talk about moving? Did we get a place or designated area?
