Tuesday, December 21, 2010

WOD - 20101222

One Up Pull Ups

With a continuously running clock, do one pull-up the first minute, two pull-ups the second minute, three pull-ups the third minute... continuing as long as you are able. Use as many sets in each minute as needed.

Followed by -  

Jumping Tabata Balls!

Tabata Wall Balls (20/14)
Rest one minute
Tabata Box Jumps (24/20)

Warm up with three rounds
10 push ups
10 squats
20 I's
20 Y's
20 T's

0600 at the Hardstand Gym.  Post rounds of pull ups completed and total reps for wall balls and box jumps to comments.


  1. Unassisted pullups through round 6, assisted pullups through round 12

    wallballs: 66
    box jumps: 60

  2. PU: 6 rounds + assisted PU (don't know how many rounds)
    Wall balls: 57
    Box jumps: 65

  3. Unassisted pullups - 14 rounds with 8 into the next round.
    Wall balls - 52
    Box jumps - the amount of concentration it took me to make it past the second round took more brain power than I could spare... I lost count after 10 or so...

  4. PU's: Hands ripped at the 13th round... didn't even attempt 14th
    Wall Balls: 86
    Box Jumps: 78
