Friday, December 31, 2010

WOD - 20110101


Five Rounds of

50 Double Unders
10 Ground to Overhead (135/95)
10 Toes to Bar

Meet at CFMHQ at 1000.  Post time to comments

Strength Weakness WOD
ME Good Morning (or Romanian Deadlifts)

January Warm Up
20-50 Double Unders followed by
Three Rounds-
Burgener Warm Up
10-20 Squats (PVC Pipe Overhead for variety)
10-20 Sit Ups (GHD, AbMat, etc.)
10-20 Romanian Deadlifts (empty bar or kettlebell)
10-20 Pull Ups (Kipping, C2B, L Pull, etc)
10-20 Presses (Push Ups, Ring Dips, Handstand Push Ups)

We'll use this warm up for the whole month.  If the WOD featurs one of the warm up exercises, you may skip it.

If you want in on the group order for medicine balls, kettlebells, plyobox's, and/or rings post your desires to comments.

Happy New Year!


  1. I want to order some equipments with the group. I may want to order a little more stuff too, would that be possible?

    For warm up, is there a 400-600m circuit we could run around the box?

  2. Happy New Year CrossFit Mildenhall!

  3. Happy new year everyone! see you tomorrow.

  4. 200 singles instead of double unders and 69 lbs @ 23:20

    ME Romanian deadlifts strength weakness: 143 lbs

  5. WOD as Rx'd: 17:19

    SWOD: Romanian DL @ 265 lbs

    Equipent: Yes, we want some of everything...
    Rings: 2 sets
    Med Balls: 20 lb x 1, & 14 lb x 1
    Kettlebells: 32kg x1, 24kg x1, 20kg x1, 16kg x1
    Plyoboxes: 24"x1, 20"x1, 10"x2, & a 4" extender

    -Chief, can we build those 4"/6" extenders?
