Tuesday, April 12, 2011

WOD - 20110413

Three Rounds for Time -

Run 100m
5 Deadlifts (315/185)
10 Pull Ups
20 Sit Ups
30 Back Extensions

Meet at 0600 at CFMHQ, post time to comments.


  1. 12:43 as Rx... plus one extra lap of runtime. Had I realized that I was only doing 3 rounds instead of 4, I'd have made an 11 something...

    Also, thanks to El Jefe, I've had "Purple Rain" stuck in my head all day long.

  2. 23:22

    scaled 100m with 100 Dbl-unders
    308lbs (kg weights and bad math)
    Strict Pullups (bar on weight assit machine)
    no GHD so reg back xtension station.
    Situps as rx'd (haha)

    The gym I used was not located anywhere where it would be time feasible to go run 100m...so I found out my idea of 100 Dblrs wasnt either...they took up most of my time. Good practice though.

  3. 9:03
    95lb DL
    jumping pull ups
