Friday, May 20, 2011

WOD - 20110521

Partner WOD

Pick a partner and complete the following -

Run 400m/75 Push Ups
Run 400m/75 Push Ups

Run 400m/75 Squats
Run 400m/75 Squats

Run 400m/75 Double Unders
Run 400m/75 Double Unders

Run 400m
Run 400m

One person runs while the partner performs the other movement.  When the runner gets back, for each rep short of 50, both athletes perform one burpee penalty.  Then the next person runs, but only after all the burpees are complete.  The final run is both running at the same time, but the team time will be only the slower runner's time.

Questions?  i'll try to answer them by 0800 UK time if you post them between now and then.

Good team time to comments.


  1. So if you are on 45 squats when your partner returns you do 5 burpees, then finish your squats or just start the run?

  2. Everyone, we're meeting up at 09:00 tomorrow morning @ CFMHQ.

  3. So if one partner runs and the other partner is at 55 push ups does the other one just wait until they're done until they can start their push ups?

  4. you both do the burpees and no one finishes the push ups.

    So if you get back from the run and your partner had done 50 push ups, you both owe 25 burpees immediately (each) and then the other person runs...make sense?

  5. In the original post, it mentions that each athlete performs a penalty burpee for each rep SHORT OF 50. Should that read, "for each rep short of 75"???

    Example: When I return from my run, I find that my partner is only on Push-Up number 71. We each owe 4 Burpees, right?

  6. Great job everyone...paired up with Hosh 22:02 as rx'd

  7. I want to first apologize for my crap form today. Over the past day my body has been invaded by a 78 year old dive bar waitress w/ the final stages of emphysema.

    I partnered w/ chris ...not sure about exact time we both forgot to look, but when I did look it was 17:40.

  8. Partnered with Vicky and Seth as rx'd in 24:02

    Paired w/ Chris second time around 11:27

  9. Paired up with my sister Sue 24:00

  10. Kim, that is a very funny but accurate description of your voice today. Hope you're feeling better, girlfriend!!

  11. 22:04 single formation

  12. Paired up with Chile.
    150 single jumps instead of DU.
    Believe our time was 20:38. We didn't have many burpees penalties.
