Monday, July 5, 2010

WOD - 20100706

Skill Work: Snatch - 20 Minutes

Followed by

AMRAP in 15 Minutes
10 Double Squat Wall Balls
10 Box Jump Burpees

For skill work, use a PVC pipe or broom stick and work on snatch skills and speed.  For the AMRAP, men use 20lb and women use 14lb med balls.  Double squat wallball means you perform a full squat while the ball is in the air in addition to the squat at the bottom of the usual wallball.  You can substitute a squat in between each wallball if you choose.  Box jump burpees are normal burpees that end with a jump to a box.

I'll be at the Hardstand at 0600 and again at 1700.

Post rounds/reps to comments.