Thursday, July 29, 2010

WOD - 20100729

"The good Lord gave you a body that can stand most anything. It’s your mind you have to convince."

The incomparable Vince Lombardi
Perform a single deadlift of 80% of your 1RM every 30 seconds for 15 minutes

Followed by -

AMRAP in 9 minutes
10 Box Jumps Burpees (20in box)
10 Kettlebell Snatches (5 each arm)

Men use 24kg, Women use 16kg bells

I'll be at the Hardstand at 0600 (i can't make 1700), but i've got to leave at 0645 so please try to be there early and get warmed up on your own.

I've been flying this week, sorry folks...apparently CrossFit Mildenhall is not my primary job :^)

Good luck!


  1. 145# deadlifts

    4+2 burpees/kettlebells (8 kg)

  2. 95# DL
    4rnds + 5 burpees

  3. 295# DL's
    24kg Snatches -- I was so tired I lost count of my rounds...
    2 Slices of Pizza and a Milk-Shake for lunch, didn't help matters much!!!

  4. Made this up today and was planning on doing the 5k but the hardstand and wx wouldn't cooperate...

    275# Dl's
    4 rounds + 8 burpee as rx'd

  5. 295 lb DL's

    misread the workout and did 24 in box jumps and not the box jump burpees. 4 rounds plus 10

  6. 325 DL

    5 rounds 7 box jump burpees...That was the suck fest I know and love.
    This was my last Mildenhall WOD. I'll be sure to post from time to time. It is great to see the crossfit community growing so much. Keep up the great work everyone. Thank you all
