Thursday, July 1, 2010

WOD - 20100702

Old Painless is waiting

10 Rounds for time -

10 Pull Ups
10 Kettlebell Swings (24kg/16kg)

Start with five burpees and perform five burpees every three minutes throughout the workout.  You may finish the rep you are on, but then must complete all five burpees before resuming your 10x10.

i will be at the Hardstand Gym at 0600 and 1700.

Post time to comments


  1. Chief,

    You should have made the burpees every minute on the mintue, lol. I guess I'm just cruel for even thinking that. I know Ling wants to do more Burpees.

  2. Thanks for the great workout! 20:41. Robin

  3. Killed my hands but was fun! 23:12

  4. That was a bit tougher than I thought. I was feeling that Burpee Challenge during this WOD. Anyways, 15:53 as RX'd.

    Have a great weekend everyone!!!

  5. Chief's Scoreboard -

    As Rx'd - 12:51

    who's idea was this!?!?!?!

  6. 16:29 32 KG Bell. Good suck! My grip was shattered. Had to break things in sets of 5 to give the hands some recovery time.
