Tuesday, October 5, 2010

WOD - 20101006

ME Front Squat

Maximum effort front squat using clean grip...warm up and then complete sets of three until failure increasing weight with each set...when you cannot complete three reps, switch to single reps and increase weight until failure.  Once you've found your 1RM for the day, perform at least 4 sets of 1 rep of at least 90% of that 1RM.

Followed by

AMRAP in 11 Minutes

10 Kettlebell Swings (24kg, 16kg)
20 Wallballs (20lb, 14lb)

I may not make it to class for the next week or so so you're on your own.  I'll post workouts and those of you with an L1 can post where and when you'll meet people to help or you can all just work out on your own.

Have fun and post weights then rounds/reps to comments.


  1. Per Chief, that's a 14lb wall ball for the ladies.

  2. Where do we do the wallballs/kettlebells since we can't swing the kb's in the gym?

  3. Sorry I haven't been around much! We just got our stuff and I'm trying to sort thru our junk and trying to fit it all in the house. I should be back next Tues.

  4. Front Squats
    3RM: 245
    1RM: 265

    AMRAP: 20kg @ 12reps

    5rds + 12kb

  5. Front Squats- 125 lbs.
    AMRAP- 6+12 (16 kg. kb, 14 lb. ball)

  6. Front Squat
    3RM: 120
    1RM: 125

    AMRAP - 5 + 13 (16 kg KB, 14 lb wall ball)

  7. Front Squat - 99lbs

    AMRAP 4+1
