Sunday, July 3, 2011

WOD - 20110704

Happy 4th of July

150 Burpees for time

Followed by

300 Double Unders for time

Enjoy the holiday and find time on your own for these two workouts...if you really wanna, i guess you could string them together in one WOD, but the intent is two WOD's with as much time in between as you feel like.  Have fun and enjoy Independence Day!

Post time to comments


  1. tony said:

    150 Burpees - 13:51

    in my backyard...trashed my grass and allergies are blown-up!

  2. Nick said...

    150 Burpees: 14:05

    Yep, backyard. I was picking gravel out of my belly for 10 minutes. Ha.

  3. 150 burpees 16:03
    1200 single jumps not sure of my time my clock stopped.
