Wednesday, July 20, 2011

WOD - 20110721


Five rounds of -

Max rep Body Weight Back Squats

Max rep Pull Ups

There is no time component to this WOD.  Put your bodyweight on a barbell, back squat it til failure.  Rest, then step up to the pull up bar and perform pull ups til failure.  Then repeat for five total rounds.

Meet at CFMHQ at 0600.  Post weights and total reps per exercise per round to comments.


  1. BS @143 lbs- 7,5,8,4,4

    LOVE the Grumpadillo picture! It needs to be framed and hanging in my house.

  2. BS@ 105lbs 13,13,13,13,15
    PU- 7,7,7,7,5

    Cute Grumpadillo!

  3. 225lbs 15, 13, 13, 10, 8

    Laying Ring Rows 10. 10, 10, 8, 8

    I like turtles! They should be saved and protected, but until I get my own fish out of the ocean, I cannot criticize how my supermarket fish gets there! but then again I'm always late!!

  4. Heather, you HAVE to get a copy of that picture framed!!
