Thursday, July 8, 2010

WOD - 20100709


Warm up then find the heaviest weight you can clean for one repetition (1RM).  These will be full squat cleans from the ground.  No power cleans, no hang cleans.

I'll be at the Hardstand Gym at 0600 and 1700 with bumper plates and bars for those that want help.

Post loads to comments


  1. Quick Comment, could you guys put some kind of contact info up?

    I'm on Lakenheath and want to get back into CF. I'm assuming Anthony is running this as he emailed me a while ago and said an Affiliate was soon to come, but he has not replied to any of my latest emails.

    What are training times and do you guys charge as well?



  2. 225# up from 185#. Still struggle with form. The oly lifts beat me up a bit.

  3. 225#, got 235# into the rack but couldn't front squat it out. It might have had something to do with the bar hitting me in the throat.

    245 next time.

    Scott, We meet at the times posted as a formal "class". Right now all the classes are being run by Chief Towberman. There is no charge and there never will be. We are a Military non-profit affiliate.

  4. Was able to get 205#. Attempted 225# a couple of times, but just can't quite get it.

    Please check out this video clip of my attempts and provide some constructive criticism.

  5. 275> Never done a max for this one. I like it.

  6. Chief's Scoreboard -

    From the Beck Row Annex - 205lbs

    Felt pretty easy actually, never missed a lift on the way up, but stopped here to be safe with my shoulder. 225lb is certainly doable down the road i think, maybe as much as 250.
