Tuesday, February 1, 2011

WOD - 20110202

Five Rounds for Time -

Run 400m

20 Ring Dips

W2S - ME Close Grip Bench Press

W2E - Four Rounds

Run/Row 3 mins
Rest 2 mins

February Warm Up -
Burpee Challenge Burpees
Run 800m
Three rounds of
10-20 Pull Ups
10-20 Handstand Push Ups
10-20 GHD Sit Ups
10-20 Back Extensions
10-20 Reverse Hypers

Meet at CFMHQ, do Feb's warm up and be ready to go at 0610.  For workouts that include the same exercises as the warm up, you can skip those exercises in the warm up if you want to.  For today's WOD there is running so if you want to skip the running in the warm up that's fine.

Post time to comments


  1. 'Raptor -- good job on those CTB pull ups from today's cool-down & thanks for the trail mix!

    WOD: 14:06
    ~I'm definitely feeling those dips right now... anyone else?

  2. 15:06 (ring push-ups)

  3. tim "the philoso raptor" gaydoshFebruary 2, 2011 at 12:22 PM

    16:23 as rx'd

    you got it Paul, PS: feeling pretty darn sore and tired right now

  4. 20:00 Ring dips with blue band.

  5. 23:37 unassisted straight bar dips

    W2S: 95 lbs
