Saturday, February 12, 2011

WOD - 20110212

Saturday Surprise

Meet at CFMHQ at 1000 and you will be told the WOD or WODs.  I will post them on the blog later in the day.  If you have the time and can block off two hours, you will get multiple WODs.

Hope to see you there...elements class at 0900.

WOD #1
You have six minutes and no more to complete the following -
Run 800m
1RM Ground to Overhead

You may not set up the bar ahead of, put your plates on the bar and lift from ground to overhead using any method you like (clean and jerk, snatch, power clean and jerk, etc.).  You can make as many attempts as you like, but you only have 6 minutes.  Score is heaviest single rep.

WOD #2
5 Rounds for Time of
50 Double Unders
30 Kettlebell Swings (24kg/16kg)
10 Toes to bar

15 minute time limit...score is time or AMRAP in 15 minutes if you don't complete the WOD.

WOD #3
Tabata Wallball (20/14)

Score is total reps
WOD #4
AMRAP in 20 minutes
5 Pull Ups
10 Push Ups
15 Squats

Score is total rounds/reps
We took about 20 minutes rest between sets...all four WODs should be complete within two hours.


  1. Some of us will be going to the HellRunner event today! We will post our 10-12 mile trail run time. Good luck everyone!

  2. I'll see ya then! Definitely missed everyone this week. Good luck for those Hellrunning today!!

  3. What should we wear? Inndoor workout gear or outdoor? Running shoesor weightliftig?

  4. Still resting a pulled muscle.Am finding the resting very frustrating.Hope to see you next week. Am missing my crossfit buddies.:(

  5. WOD 1 - 125lbs (pr)
    WOD 2- 3 + 45
    WOD 3 - 80WB
    WOD 4 - 10 + 9
    Great workout :)
    I'm about to eat the biggest serving of Pad Thai in world record time.

  6. WOD 1 - 83 lbs (started too low)
    WOD 2 - 4 rnds @ 30 lbs
    WOD 3 - 75 wb shots @ 14 lbs
    WOD 4 - 12+23

  7. WOD #1: With a Six minute running clock:
    Run 1 x 800m dash
    Find your 1RM of Ground to Overhead.

    ~rest 15 mins~

    WOD #2: 5 rounds for time, of: (15 minute cut off)
    50 Double Unders
    30 KB Swings, 1.5 Pood
    10 Toes to Bar
    (Post either time or rounds if you didn't make the cut off)

    ~rest 20 mins~

    WOD #3: Tabata Wall Balls (20 lb ball)
    (Post Total Reps)

    ~rest 15 mins~

    WOD #4: "Cindy" AMRAP in 20 mins of:
    - 5 Pull Ups
    -10 Push Ups
    -15 Air Squats

  8. WOD #1: 205 lbs
    WOD #2: 14:56 (Just barely made the cut off)
    WOD #3: 88 reps
    WOD #4: 23 rounds + 5 reps

    Post workout nutrition looks like this:
    Ferrero Rocher Chocolates: 2
    Russell Stover Fine Milk Chocolates: 1.5
    Lindt Lindor Truffles Milk Chocolates: 2
    Godiva Double Choc. Rasberry Truffle: 1
    Godiva Hazelnt Praline Truffle: 1
    Whittard Chocolate Coated Coffee Beans: 15
    24 oz. Milk+1 scoop Whey Protein (flavor = chocolate)

    ... Now I'm feeling sick....

  9. WOD #1= 83lbs
    WOD #2= 2 Rounds + 50 box jumps + 10 swings
    WOD #3= total of 66
    WOD #4= 14 rounds

    My post workout mean was a yummy mature cheddar cheese and chutney sandwich, with a warm scone w/clotted cream and jam. I enjoyed every bite of it without feeling guilty! :)

  10. By the way, the Organic store is in Tuddenham.

  11. Pretty J I missed out on this.

    Hellrunner 11ish miles - 3ish hours.
    Those hills were no joke!

  12. Heather,
    I went all over Elveden & Icklingham looking for this store today -- and only now do I see your post... So close. I did, however, stop at the farm-shop at Elveden... result: no coconut milk, but plenty of fresh rabbit, basil-infused olive oil, & venison. I'll know to go to Tuddenham next time.

  13. Wod 1: 195lb
    Wod 2: 4 rds + 1 rd DU & KB swings
    Wod 3: 104 w/15 lb ball

  14. The Tuddenham shop is great. When you get into Tuddenham, there is small signs on the right showing the way. It's a great little shop, let me know what you think.
