Thursday, February 17, 2011

WOD - 20110218

1RM Clean

You have 20 minutes to find your 1RM clean...yes that's a squat clean

Followed by -

AMRAP in 6 minutes

50 Double Unders
25 Knees to Elbows

Meet at CFMHQ - warm up and be ready to clean at 0615

W2S - DE Box Squat12 sets if 2 reps at 65% of 1RM.  Rest 45-60s between efforts.

W2E - Run/Row 5km


  1. I'm doing my best to catch a hop tomorrow -- and since I won't have access to much equipment I did another "Games Prep" day:

    WOD #1: 500m Row for time

    WOD #2: (Also the 1st WOD from last year's Sectionals)
    3 rounds for time:
    10 CTB Pull Ups
    15 GHD Sit Ups
    20 Thrusters
    4:40 (PR by 1:10 and was :01 slower than last year's #1)

    ~rest 10 mins~

    WOD #3: ME in 10 mins of:
    Board Press: 235 lbs (no spotter present)
    Platform DL's: 345 lbs

    ~rest 10 mins~

    WOD #4: "Elizabeth" 21-15-9 of
    Clean 135 lbs
    Ring Dips
    8:40 (very fatigued by this point, about 2:00 slower than expected)

    Good luck everybody -- I'll be checking in on ya'!!!

  2. I am at a loss for words... I was so excited when I saw her head, and then I scrolled down. Such a shame. She is to cute to wearing such a ugly jersey!
    We miss you all!
    Chief, how is she doing?!

  3. 108 lbs (PR)
    METCON: 2+25 (GHD sit-ups substituted for KtoE)

  4. Nice job K8 and Robin!!
    I too hit a PR: 108lbs!!! I'm only 7lbs from cleaning my bodyweight!
    Metcon: 2rds (GHD sit ups)

  5. I am going to call it my PR because I dont remember my last max.
    Squat Clean : 185 (PR)
    Metcon 2+25 DU's

  6. 125 lbs
    2 + 40 ( as rx'd)

    Plus one awesome monastery hike! Greece Rocks!

  7. 85lbs (PR)

    2+30 (there were a few singles thrown in there w/a 1:4 ratio)

  8. 85 lbs...definitely not a PR...I really sucked it up this morning!

    2 rounds

    W2S: 120 lbs
