Saturday, June 18, 2011

WOD - 20110619

Just Say NO!

Death by 10 Meters
With a continuously running clock, sprint ten meters the first minute, 20 meters (down and back) the second, thirty the third, and so on and so forth until you are unable to complete the number of 10 meter down and back efforts required for the round.

Meet at the track at 1600...if it's raining badly, we will go to CFMHQ, but swing by the track first.

Post rounds completed to comments


  1. Which track are you talking about?

  2. 15 rounds

    I'm assuming the track by the post office on Mildenhall.

  3. Can't make it today have car trouble and am very pissed off!!

  4. I may not be able to say no!

  5. 17 rounds...just barely

  6. 18 rounds (also just barely). Definitely a miserable workout... loved it.

  7. Did you guys do it on the track or on the field? How much of your body had to cross the line before you turned around? Just a foot, touch with your hand, or the whole body?
