Goat Work - 30 min max
- mobility, O-lifts, Kipping, muscle ups, dubs, whatever. Bend your coaches ear and, for heaven's sake, work on some hip flexibility and shoulder rotation!
- 15 min time cap
- sub w/ X3 singles or 1/2 # of Dubs
5 Rounds
50m Wallball Throw (25 down/back)
- start in the grass in front of the door, look right, the throwing lane is between the smoke pit/BBQ area on the left and the fence on the right
- throw it as far as you can, run to it, pick it up and throw it again until you reach a line passed the fence on the right, the ball has to pass this line on its own so throw it a little farther, run to it, pick it up and throw it back to in line with the door
- please wipe off the wallballs before putting them back in the gym
5 Tire Flips
Warmup - break it up however you need to
500m Row
20 PVC Goodmornings
10 GHD Back Extensions
10 GHD Situps
10 Pullups
20 Pushups
50 Dubs
"A Chipper Off the Ol' Block"
30 Thrusters @ 35/45/65/95#
30 Over-the-Box Jumps or Step Ups
- you can touch the top of the box, just jump off the other side and turn around
30 Abmat Situps
30 Burpee Pullups or Burpee Ring Rows
30 Dubs or 90 Singles
"Flight Sim"
Unbroken Dubs @ 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 45, 40, 35, 30, 25, 20, 15, 10, 5
- have to break up sets
- start the set over if you fail to complete it unbroken
- sub w/ "Half Flight Sim" or 50/100 Dubs for time
Lift - Clean and Jerk (C&J)
Warmup w/ 3X5 - progressively heavier
15 min to complete 5X1
- we'll have to share bars if we don't have the weights back yet
Burpee Box Jumps
200m sprint (run out the fence to the left, turn right, run toward flightline, turn right back in to the fence, come back to door)