Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Crazy Jen Pre-Crossfit

Warmup: Burgener warm up

20 min AMRAP:

15 power snatch 75/55
12 OHS
9 Pullups

Meet up at 0600 and 1630.

Post rounds to comments.


  1. 6rds, well finished them at 20:23, we didn't hear the clock beep.

    Good work today!

  2. 5 rds plus 9, but i only used 45 lbs, i used the purple band on pull ups, and i did 12-9-6. but it was amazingly hard! tough, great WOD, tested me mentally today big time!!

  3. Did 5 rounds with 153lbs and used the green band (time to move to the next level with bands they are too easy now) 12-9-6 per round. AND I say I got my first hand tear....Whether Tony agrees or not is a different question ;)!!

  4. haha I said 153lbs, IN MY DREAMS!! I meant 53lbs
    :o -Jill
