Wednesday, October 19, 2011

WOD 20111020

The Mary Scott!

Reach 1 min of L-Sit Holds
2min of Hollow Rocks

Mobility WOD 2min
Paleo Chair
Ben's Hammy Bands
The Pigeon - box or floor

WOD - The 10's

Box Squat - 65-70% 1rm
2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2 (10x2) 45sec rest

Followed by

AMRAP 10min:

10 wall balls
10 toes to bar
10 box jumps 20" or the Big Tire (like Mary!!)

CFMHQ - 0600 and 1630

Post weights, time, comments, or suggestions for Ben's costume!


  1. 10x2 up to 103lb
    5+15 rounds (did about 5 toes to bar then the rest knees to chest)

    - Bam Bam or Barney Rubble :)!!


  2. 3 rounds + 5 w/20 lbs ball

  3. started squats @ 135 then upped to 155 and 175

    6 rounds + 10

  4. 1-53 2-63 3-63 4-87 5-87 6-87 7-93 8-93 9-103 10-103

    then 5 rds plus 9! 14 lb ball,
    2 rds of toes to bar, then the rest were knees to elbows, except towards the end it was more like knees to belly! ha ha
