Thursday, October 27, 2011

WOD 20111028

MWOD 2 min of:
Paleo Chair
The Pigeon


Max Effort Box Jump

Followed by:

6rds of:

15 Push-ups
10 Sit-ups
60m Shuttle Run

CFMHQ @ 0600 and 1630

Post height, comments and your favorite color!


  1. Couldn't stay for the WOD, but got a new PR for box jump! 20" box + 25# plate - estimated......22" I've come a long way from my 2" vertical!

  2. Ben- WOD 4:59

    I did 7:42 and a 31 inch box.

  3. I think my Box Jump was about 43"?

    WOD 6:50

  4. Box jump: I didn't know until Mike posted it...around 43", according to my measuring!!

    Failed at 48" attempt, right leg was to scared to make it all the way up!!

    WOD: 5:55

  5. Box Jump = right about 36"!! didn't get to the WOD had to get to a class...but I will make it up!!


  6. 6:32 on the WOD
    I'm not sure what my box jump was. 24" box, plus a 45 lb and another plate, but a smaller one, wasn't sure what plate it was.
    I would love to try that again some day though as I was SO sore from the WOD the day before I was having a hard time walking in general, couldn't make it down my steps without a railing and looking like the tin man, and have felt that way ever since! (it's sunday now!) I walked around London yesterday with the husband and you should have seen me going down steps int he underground. I think people felt bad for me like I had some sort of handicap! ha ha
    That tabata did me in good.
