Sunday, October 2, 2011

WOD 20111003

Tony and Mike lovin' this Mobility WOD.

Power Clean Technique Work w/Bar

For Time:

Double-unders- 50

Thrusters- 10

Double-unders- 40

Thrusters- 8

Double-unders- 30

Thrusters- 6

Double-unders- 20

Thrusters- 4

Double-unders- 10

Thrusters- 2

Weight for Thrusters 135/95

Post time to comments.

We are meeting at 0600 and 1430.


  1. Wanted to do this Wod so bad! I know I train with Olly on Mondays but, as I can't make it tomorrow due to boys Rugby training, I thought I would do 2 Wods today. Unfortunately I was the only one at the box at 1430, I knew it sounded to good to be true! lol :(

  2. Ha, didn't even notice, Mary. My brain auto-corrected :-)

    11:43 53lbs

  3. I am SO sorry Mary! I totally meant 16:30. So sorry.

  4. I was a wimpy kid today, but did the WOD anyways with a 33 lb bar. - 8:04
