Saturday, October 15, 2011

WOD - 20111015

See Jill Press!

7-RH Turkish Getups
7-LH Turkish Getups
7 Hand stand pushups or hold for a 1min


800m Buy-in!

3 Rds
20 Double Unders
15 Pull-Ups
10 Ring Dips
5x Thrusters 115#/85#

CFMHQ @ 1600

To post time, press 1; To post comments, press 2; To speak to an operator....

Quote of the day:
Mary Scott: "Yes, it was tough but we wouldn't love it if it was easy would we"


  1. 12:28
    I'm a fish. I like scales!

  2. 18:18
    Scaled ring dips
    53lb thrusters

  3. 13:38

    I tried to be tougher than I am today and started at 75 pounds, that lasted for 3 reps and then I went to 53 pounds for the rest of the WOD. I used the purple band on two rds and did the pull ups on the bar for one (the bands were taken, but I wasn't so upset) and then did the ring dips on the box for two adn did dips on the ground for one.
